Advance Product Marketing Training

You will learn how to create compelling go-to-market strategies that resonate with your target audience and boost sales. You will also gain insights into the many marketing techniques and tools that will help you craft impactful online campaigns. This program will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to excel as a Product Marketer in today’s dynamic world of business.

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What you will find in the brochure

Training Duration: 8 Weeks

Level of deficulty: Beginner friendly

Expected Outcome: From Intermediate

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PRICE: 200,000 150,000

25% Ongoing Promo

What you will learn

01 Product features and benefits Communications

Learn technical writing techniques to communicate product features and benefits clearly.

02Products Roodmaps

Develop skills in creating product roadmaps that align with business goals and customer needs.

03Marketing Plan

Develop a comprehensive product marketing plan, incorporating strategies for content, brand positioning, and demand generation.

04Campaign Measurement

Master key product marketing success metrics and how to measure campaign performance.

05Effective selling

Learn how to enable sales teams with valuable product knowledge and resources for effective selling.

06Story telling

Craft compelling product messaging and storytelling that resonates with target customers.

07Product Lifecycle

Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the role and significance of Product Marketing in the overall product lifecycle.

08GO-TO-MARKET Strategy

Design go-to-market strategies that effectively launch and position products in the market.

09Customer Data Analysis

Learn how to collect and analyze customer data effectively, conduct market research, and gain valuable insights into target audiences.

Tool You Learn:

  • Be able to conduct thorough market research to understand customer needs, preferences, and pain points.
  • Be able to develop comprehensive go-to-market strategies

  • Qualify for in-demand job roles as a Digital Marketer Product Marketer.

  • Be able to design and execute marketing campaigns that generate awareness, interest, and demand for the product.

  • Earn a Certificate In Digital marketing.

  • 2 Months Guaranteed internship

Tool You Learn:

What to expect from a Labano Academy training

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